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9 1 0 4

Murex unable to connect to ADS using WelbSocket

Our client is trying to set up Murex to connect to ADS using WebSocket (port 15000). Although they are able to telnet on the port to the ADS, Murex shows an error as attached. murex_14Apr.pngmurex_telnet 14April.pngUpdated

murex-14apr.png (19.8 KiB) (16.7 KiB)
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23.7k 61 15 21

Hi @MayurC,

Their ADS does not support this QoS. Please ask the client to not send the QoS information in the request message, and form it like this:

  "Type": "Request",
  "ID": 3,
  "Domain": "MarketPrice",
  "View": [
  "Key": {
    "Service": "h03tcEDD",
    "Name": "EUR="
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10 |1500

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

83.1k 281 53 77


Thanks for reaching out to us.

I checked the log file and found that the client may use RFA.

RFA doesn't support WebSocket connections. The client needs to use Refinitiv Real-Time SDKs to support WebSocket connections. Otherwise, you can develop applications with any programming language that supports WebSocket. The client can refer to the examples on GitHub.

I hope that this information is of help.

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Murex team confirm they are sending JSON messages and are not using RFA. Attached are more files as reference.

On 31-April, they did get successful connection (success.txt) to ADS using same properties file but it gave QOS error. Hence, they disabled QO on Murex server after which it did not connect back and always shows the error as attached file (error.txt) .

Attached is the properties file (rmd-trep-omm) and overall application logs (logs.txt) for reference.

Kindly share findings.

error.txt (1.8 KiB) (9.8 KiB)
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The log shows the java.lang.NullPointerException at the following line.

java.lang.NullPointerException: null
    at murex.connectivity.rmdtrepomm.core.RmdTrepOmmRfaConfiguration.<init>( ~[rmd-trep-omm-managed-interface-core-51.1.1.jar:?]
    at murex.connectivity.rmdtrepomm.core.RmdTrepOmmRfaConfiguration.createOverriddenConfig( ~[rmd-trep-omm-managed-interface-core-51.1.1.jar:?]
    at murex.connectivity.reuters.rfa.component.omm.RfaOmmConnectorManager.getOrCreateConnector( ~[rfa-managed-connector-component-51.1.1.jar:?]
    at murex.connectivity.reuters.rfa.component.omm.RfaOmmConnectorManager.getOrCreateConnector( ~[rfa-managed-connector-component-51.1.1.jar:?]

You need to contact the developer who develops this code to investigate this issue.

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9 1 0 4

Murex are now geting the below error while using refinitiv’s websocket tryitnow browser :

No multiple qos service supports this QoS.

Pl advice.



"Type": "Request",

"Qos": {

"Dynamic": true,

"Rate": "TimeConflated",

"Timeliness": "Realtime"


"WorstQos": {

"Dynamic": true,

"Rate": "TimeConflated",

"Timeliness": "Realtime"


"ID": 3,

"Domain": "MarketPrice",

"View": [









"Key": {

"Service": "h03tcEDD",

"Name": "EUR="






"ID": 3,

"Type": "Status",

"Key": {

"Service": "h03tcEDD",

"Name": "EUR="


"State": {

"Stream": "Closed",

"Data": "Suspect",

"Code": "NoResources",

"Text": "No multiple qos service supports this QoS."





1682683017325.png (182.2 KiB)
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10 |1500

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.