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Is there a way users can automatically have their proxy adjusted ?

Currently we are moving the users from both onprem and cloud servers to having just cloud servers obviously as it's expensive to have both, we have to load the configuration manager as admin and type in the proxy address, is there a way to do this automatically? our machines are no longer on the network and connect via vpn (windows 10). So currently having to visit each user to change the Intranet URL? before it was scripted likely via a windows script and group policy and cmdline -

(edit) so I figured we can deploy a script through Microsoft Endpoigt powershell) Add PowerShell scripts to Windows 10/11 devices in Microsoft Intune | Microsoft Learn

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I'm afraid we haven't heard from you in a while and we cannot provide further assistance without the details we asked for. I'm closing this thread. If you need any further assistance, please start a new thread.

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