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How can get fetch datagrid fields thru RDP?


I'm trying to fetch SH_SAL_RES field thru RDP's api /data/datagrid/beta1/

the body I used is


"universe": [



"fields": [




and result is


"error": {

"code": 218,

"description": "The formula must contain at least one field or function."



The screenshot for more information is



It gives me error.

The python code I'm trying to replicate is

df, err = ek.get_data(

instruments = ['008560.KS'],

fields = ['SH_SAL_RES']


Thank you.

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

As I know, the RDP Datagrid endpoint doesn't support real-time fields (SH_SAL_RES) the fields that don't have the TR. prefixed.

You may try another endpoint instead, such as /data/pricing/snapshots/v1/.

I used the delayed RIC (/008560.KS) because I don't have permission to access 008560.KS.

The output is:


I hope that this information is of help.

1682300330764.png (36.4 KiB)
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Thank you for reply. I currently have workspace license and using RDP to fetch data.

I found that it seems snapshot api is not permitted for workspace license.

I'm curios if there is another endpoint which can fetch information.

It's kind of weird that Refinitiv is blocking this RDP api since the data fetching from workspace api is same.

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