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get history function can not get the market data

hello,everyone,i have some problem need to help.

everyday,we will use get_history to get market data,and we can get the data.but today,we use the same request to get the data,we get the empty result.

but we find another problem, when we invoke "get data" function,we will get "too many requests,please try later",As shown in the image below.

We are uncertain if the get_history function is also causing the issue preventing us from retrieving the data. And how to resolve the problem.

we invoke get_history like this:

df = rd.get_history(universe="GBP2MO=", interval="hourly", start="2023-05-10T15:59:59", end="2023-05-22T15:59:59")

Thank you for your response.


eikoneikon-data-api#technologypython apierror-429
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Hi @shenj ,

This error indicate that the API limit has been reached, have you had a chance to check the discussion on this thread?

If you're using RD library with the desktop session, you can check the usage and limits guideline in this page.

Hope this helps and please let me know in case you have any further questions.

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