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time series data of 10 years for the upgrade and downgrade of sovereign credit ratings for Southeast Asian countries, like INDIA, PAKISTAN, BANGLADESH, NEPAL, BHUTAN, etc. How do I need to navigate on the Refinitiv interface?

Hi, I am looking for time series data of 10 years for the upgrade and downgrade of sovereign credit ratings for Southeast Asian countries, like INDIA, PAKISTAN, BANGLADESH, NEPAL, BHUTAN, etc. How do I need to navigate on the Refinitiv interface? Kindly provide a path for the same.

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Hi @dfsmfc ,

In Refinitiv Workspace/Eikon Desktop application, you can search for an application Economic Indicators (ECONIND).

In this application, you can search for countries/regions (here I put India as an example), and Indicator, I searched for "sovereign credit ratings", then picked the 3rd one (Anti-Corruption Risk, Sovereign credit ratings, Score, Business Surveys, Monthly, Country Risk Ranking (aINACSOVSR)

Here you can also search for other indicators you're interested in.


Regarding an API usage, you can used the RD Library (Python) to retrieve this data, for example

import refinitiv.data as rd


Hope this helps and please let me know in case you have any further questions.

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