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19 2 3 6

Time Series Yield

Hi i am currently trying to work out my own Dividend Yield.

I am using the following code to retrieve the daily price close and hope to index and match it with the dividend ex date.

df, err = ek.get_data(

instruments = [Instrument],

fields = [









parameters = {'SDate': '2021-10-01', 'EDate': 1,}



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Hi @ken03 ,

To retrieve Price Close for each Dividend Ex Div, you need to split into 3 steps:

  1. request Dividend Ex date
  2. request Price Close for each Div Ex date
  3. append Price Close to initial result


df, err = ek.get_data(
    instruments = [Instrument],
    fields = ['TR.DivAdjustedNet', 'TR.DivAdjustedGross', 'TR.DivRecordDate', 'TR.DivPayDate', 'TR.DivExDate'],
    parameters={'SDate': '2021-10-01', 'EDate': 1,}
prices = []
for d in df["Dividend Ex Date"]:
    price_df, err = ek.get_data(
        instruments = ["AAPL.O"],
        fields = ['TR.PriceClose.date', 'TR.PriceClose'],
        parameters={'SDate': d}
    prices.append(price_df["Price Close"][0])

df["Price Close"] = prices

To optimize, I'll recommend you to migrate from eikon to refinitv-data library and use asynchronous get_data_async() function to retrieve Price Close with a multi-treaded implementation:

import refinitiv-data as rd
import asyncio

session = rd.session.desktop.Definition(app_key="<YOUR APP KEY>").get_session()

ex_div_dates = rd.get_data(
    fields=['TR.DivAdjustedNet', 'TR.DivAdjustedGross', 'TR.DivRecordDate', 'TR.DivPayDate', 'TR.DivExDate'],
    parameters={'SDate': '2021-10-01', 'EDate': 1,}
dates = [str(d.date()) for d in ex_div_dates["Dividend Ex Date"]]
ex_div_dates.set_index("Dividend Ex Date", inplace=True)

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
tasks = [loop.create_task(
        fields=['TR.PriceClose.date', 'TR.PriceClose'],
        parameters={'SDate': d}).get_data_async()) for d in dates]

results = loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*tasks))
prices = pd.concat([r.data.df for r in results])
prices.set_index("Date", inplace=True)
final_result = pd.merge(ex_div_dates, prices, left_index=True, right_index=True))

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1. Is refinitv-data library the new method for get_data?

2. i am trying to concat the data which i retrieve from get_data and get_time series for this purpose. but it seems that the date time format retrieved using each is different, for get_data it returns the date plus 0.00.00YZ and for get_time series it only returns the date, hence the different formating is affecting the concat function.

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  1. refinitiv-data is the new library to request or stream data with Refinitiv Data Platform, so yes, refinitiv-data.get_data() function replaces eikon.get_data()

  2. This should be easy to fix if you provide an example.
Perhaps you could use Realty Income Trust
19 2 3 6

@pf please try using the data from Realty Income Trust

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@ken03 Sorry but what's Realty Income Trust ?

Could you detail how you're using get_data and get_time series functions ?

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