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How to show names of datatypes in dsws

Hi team, may I know how to let dsws show the names of datatypes? Thanks in advance!


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I found the possible answer, but when i tried fetching multiple fields, it will show error message. Any grammar difference among DatastreamDSWS and pydatastream package?

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Hi @Julian.Bai,

I tried the following and got data that I think you're interested in:

df = ds.get_data("958TVX,VOD,BARC|N", ["PH", "PL"], start = "-2D")


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Thanks Jonathan, 2 follow up qs.

1. I found another possible answer, but when i tried fetching multiple fields, it will show error message. Any grammar difference among DatastreamDSWS and pydatastream package?

2. If I use kind = 0, then it will only show name of variable but not datatypes

df = ds.get_data(tickers='958TVX|N', fields=['MPD','DMR','FRT','FRTD','MRW','BSPL'], kind = 0)


Is that also a limit of api?

Thank you!

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