Currently struggling with obtaining data via the API for Python, receiving the error message displayed in the title. The code, which worked until this morning looks like this:
import as rd
data =
view = rd.discovery.Views.GOV_CORP_INSTRUMENTS,
top = 10000,
filter = "((DbType eq 'GOVT' or DbType eq 'CORP' or DbType eq 'AGNC' or DbType eq 'OMUN' or DbType eq 'OTHR') and RCSAssetCategory eq 'A:J' and IsActive eq true and (RCSBondGradeLeaf eq 'Investment Grade' or RCSBondGradeLeaf eq 'High Yield' or RCSBondGradeLeaf ne 'Investment Grade' and RCSBondGradeLeaf ne 'High Yield') and MaturityDate ge 2024-07-24 and (DenominationMinimum le 1000 and FaceOutstanding ge 100000000 and RCSCouponTypeGenealogy eq 'M:1EU\A:C1\A:25' and IsPrivatePlacement eq false and RCSCouponCurrencyLeaf xeq 'Euro' and IsExchangeListed eq true and RCSCurrencyLeaf eq 'Euro' and (SukukExchangeName xeq 'FRANKFURT STOCK EXCHANGE' or SukukExchangeName xeq 'STUTTGART STOCK EXCHANGE' or SukukExchangeName xeq 'MUNICH STOCK EXCHANGE' or SukukExchangeName xeq 'BERLIN STOCK EXCHANGE' or SukukExchangeName xeq 'DUSSELDORF STOCK EXCHANGE' or SukukExchangeName xeq 'TRADEGATE EXCHANGE' or SukukExchangeName xeq 'HAMBURG STOCK EXCHANGE' or SukukExchangeName xeq 'HANNOVER STOCK EXCHANGE' or SukukExchangeName xeq 'BORSA ITALIANA S.P.A.' or SukukExchangeName xeq 'LUXEMBOURG STOCK EXCHANGE' or SukukExchangeName xeq 'LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE PLC' or SukukExchangeName xeq 'WIENER BOERSE AG' or SukukExchangeName xeq 'EURONEXT PARIS' or SukukExchangeName xeq 'SIX SWISS EXCHANGE')))",
select = "DTSubjectName,MaturityDate,ISIN,DbTypeDescription"
(The eikon API and the respective app key were set as well for later on)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!