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Sustainabilty-Linked bond deals via python API

Hi all,

I am searching for a way to request sustainability-linked bonds and loans via python API.

I tried package but could not find a fitting function or filter to extract this specific type of products. Is there an actual way to do this?



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Hi @fritz.flothkoetter

You can try for bonds:
    view = rd.discovery.Views.GOV_CORP_INSTRUMENTS,
    top = 10000,
    filter = "RCSFIClassificationCodes(CodeDescription eq 'Sustainability Linked Bond')",
    select = "RIC,RCSFIClassificationCodes",

and for loans:
    view = rd.discovery.Views.LOAN_INSTRUMENTS,
    top = 10000,
    filter = "MarketSegmentDescription eq 'Sustainability Linked Loan'",
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Hi @fritz.flothkoetter ,

My colleagues' article, "Searching for KungFu Bonds (Chinese-issued U.S. dollars bonds) with RDP Libraries - Search function", goes through a very similar use-case. Would you mind letting me know if it answers your question?

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Hi @jonathan.legrand,

thanks for your answer. That helps me to build a query in general.

But my problem that I cannot find a suitable filter persists. In the Deals Screener in Refinitv Workspace there is the filter "Transaction Type = Sustainability Linked Bond (SLB)". Unfortunately I do not find a similar filter in the Advanced Search as suggested in your colleagues' article.

Is it possible to do API requests corresponding to Deals Screener's functionalities? Or is there a way to filter for sustainabilty-linked products in the Advanced Search?

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Thank you!!

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.