While doing component failovers in my application, i noticed following error (I am using realtime sdk - ema api/). What does that mean? What should i do to avoid these errors. (As it seems, login re-issue has been successful in second attempt)
Failed to reissue login request. Reason: RSSL_RET_INVALID_DATA. Error text: Login userNameType does not match existing request.
I noticed following in the documentation. We haven't handled following errors in our application explicitly. Has it anything to do with it ?
HTTP Error Handling for Reactor Token Reissues
The Enterprise Message API supports handling for the following HTTP error codes from the API gateway:
300 Errors:
- Perform URL redirect for 301, 302, 307 and 308 error codes.
- Retry the request to the API gateway for all other error codes
400 Errors:
- For Version 1 authentication, retry with username and password for error codes 400 and 401
- Stop retry the request for error codes 403, 404, 410, and 451
- Retry the request to the API gateway for all other error codes
500 Errors: Retry the request to the API gateway for all error codes