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Obtain information of a set of instruments with Eikon Data API

I'm trying to obtain information of the set 0#CFI2. The elements are CFI2U3, CFI2V3, CFI2X3, etc.

With the function ek.get_timeseries('0#CFI2+', 'BID') I have a invalid RIC error. With the function ek.get_data('0#CFI2+', 'BID') I have a message "the record couldn't be found". For a single instrument (e.g. CFI2U3 it works properly).

I would like to know if there is a generic way to download information of the set. I want to avoid to list all the RICs because they change in rolling times.

Thank you in advance

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

It works with 0#CFI2:.

df, err = ek.get_data("0#CFI2:", fields =['BID','DSPLY_NAME'])

The output is:


Then, you can use RICs in the returned dataframe with the get_timeseries method.



You can use the Eikon Quote APP to show RICs in 0#CFI2+. I don't have permission to access this RIC.

1691651353190.png (26.9 KiB)
1691651617500.png (27.3 KiB)
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Many thanks

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