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Ownership Data python API


I am trying to download ownership data using following code:

df, err= ek.get_data('AAPL.O', ['TR.PctOfSharesOutHeld','TR.InvestorFullName','TR.InvParentType','TR.InvestorType','TR.InvInvestmentStyleCode','TR.InvInvmtOrientation','TR.InvAddrCountry', 'TR.InvestorFullName.periodenddate'], {'SDate':0,'EDate':-10, 'Frq':'FQ'})

I get following output:


Can you please help me with this error.

eikon-data-apipythonapi#contentpython api
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Hi @libraryeikon02 ,

I apologize for the issue you're facing, as checked by printing the error message out, this is an error "Asynchronous Query library internal error" (same error as this thread)

Hence, this appears to be an ongoing backend issue, not an API issue. Therefore, I have raised ticket number 11789156 on your behalf. You should be receiving an email from our Eikon Support team soon.


Hope this helps

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Thank you @raksina.samasiri

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