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403 error during upgrade from V1 authentication to V2

We have been using V1 authentication successfully for a couple of years now - using this address:

However, we are now being forced to "upgrade" to V2 authentication ( switching us from using the machine ids, to now just using client_id and secret (an the token is now not supposed to expire during our websocket connection it my understanding)

So I have updated our python code to use the new V2 url, and we have configured the credentials in the "Platform Administration" page. I can now get a token from the V2 URL and it is returned to me.

The next thing we do (and have done) in the code is use that token to make a request to

However, the call to this Service Discovery url is returned with a 403 forbidden error.

The implementation manager and his team are directing us here to try and solve this problem, but I am not sure where to start troubleshooting a permissions error on my own.

Thank you for any assistance!

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

You need to specify the scope in the request's body.


Otherwise, you will get the following error when calling this endpoint (

    "error": {
        "id": "6eff4a0e-67f9-493c-80c5-519302421704",
        "code": "insufficient_scope",
        "message": "access denied. Scopes required to access the resource: []. Missing scopes: []",
        "status": "Forbidden"

You can also refer to the Learn Refinitiv WebSocket APIs with Postman article.

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Thank you @Jirapongse !!

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