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Using the Refinitiv-Eikon applications-- if a variable is available using the Data Item Browser, but not available using the Screener, does that mean can't download information regarding that variable?


I am trying to download time-series data regarding company geographic revenues and assets. Using the Data Item Browser, I can see a "Geographic Total Assets" variable. However, when I use the Screener application, this variable is no longer there. Does this mean that I cannot download the variable? Thanks for the help.

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Hi @Lib-busdata2 ,

By not available using the Screener, do you mean it isn't available in the filter or result column? Have you tried putting the field name in the exported query (the how to can be found in article Find content and functionality using Refinitiv Data Library with Eikon Advanced Search)?

Or could you please put the Screener query here for further investigation?

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