Hi I am confused about how GetData fields are returned from the datagrid api
I have made the following request:
POST https://api.refinitiv.com/data/datagrid/beta1/
"universe": [
"fields": [
"TR.IssueSharesOutstanding(Scale=3)/*shares outstanding*/",
"parameters": {
"Curn": "USD",
"SDate": "2020-10-27",
"EDate": "2020-12-01"
See also the resulting screenshot: Screenshot 2023-11-23 114750.png
the returned headers for field:
"TR.IssueSharesOutstanding(Scale=3)/*shares outstanding*/",
also IssueMarketCap and IssueSharesOutstanding are simplified in a similar manner
While on the other hand field returns for:
are as they have been supplied.
How can I make sure that the headers return the fields as previously supplied to them?