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Looking for alternative to DSS rest api Extractions/ExtractRaw in RDP.


Can you please help me find an API in RDP which works similar to this datascope API

We want an RDP API call to get all historical value dates for a currency ? Say INR=.

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Hi @noorulamin.shaikh, Would you mind letting me know what language you are using? Python? .Net? Or would you like language-agnostic information of LSEG APIs?

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Hi @noorulamin.shaikh,

Does this Q&A answer your question?
Python API to get tastaq data

I found it by searching on this LSEG Developer Q&A Comunity Forum for "get historical data for currencies in Python Library".


To find the fields you may be after for any one RIC in the get_history function, please refer to this question:

Field parameters in PYTHON EIKON API

and this video:

Data Item Browser and Eikon Data API in Python

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