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Is it possible to get company's PermID using symbology API Playground, from only passing its name and incorporation country as input parameter?

I have used record matching functionality where an excel of max 1000 records can be passed to get permid, but is there any other alternative using API playground to achieve it ?

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Hi @arun.mani ,

Could you please let me know which API are you using? Is it RDP API (Its API Playground) or Python Library (Eikon Data API or RD Library)


Hello @raksina.samasiri , Thanks for responding!

I am currently using RDP API

18.7k 85 39 63

Hi @arun.mani

Yes, it is possible to get a company'd PermID based on your input requirements. You can use the Search API. For example:


In the above, I'm search for an exact name of the company and the country of incorporation.

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Thanks @nick.zincone for the response!

Actually, I don't know about this search functionality! Would be really helpful if you can provide the documentation of this API !
Thanks in advance !

18.7k 85 39 63

Hi @arun.mani

I would suggest you refer to the article: Building Search into your Application Workflow. The article provides an overview of the Search service and examples. In addition, will point to other useful resources including documentation outlined within the API Playground.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.