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RIC of delisted companies


I have a list of permid, e.g.,

['4296383853', '4295908768'] 

I need to retrieve the correspnding RICs using the eikon API with python.

I tried this code:

df, err = ek.get_data(['4296383853', '4295908768'], ['TR.CompanyName', 'TR.RIC'])

This is what I get:

   Instrument       Company Name   RIC
0  4296383853    Quantronix Corp  <NA>
1  4295908768  Advance Ross Corp  <NA>

Both companies have been delisted and their RIC from the Office search widget are, respectively:

['QUAN.O^J92', 'AROS.O^A96']

The problem is that I have a long list of companies like this, and I cannot search them manually, one by one.

I need to have these RICs to recover their historical stock prices. Is there a way to find these RICs using the eikon API?

Thank you.

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Hi @Stefano Breschi

Try using the symbology API to perform the conversion:


1706566072129.png (30.1 KiB)
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Thank you so much, Nick. It works perfectly.
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Thank you, Nick. This works perfectly.

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