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API Python Query

I am currently gathering company financial data through Eikon Data API (Python). I have a situation where the only working metric for the 2500+ company identification is the company's full name. I have also tickers and 6-digit CUSIP codes (obtained from the SDC Platinum M&A Database); however, the tickers are for EU companies only and often produce wrong results, and the 6-digit CUSIP codes do not seem to match the CUSIP codes available in the Refinitiv Eikon system. I have multiple problems and questions regarding the data extraction process through API (using Python): 1) Would it be possible to match the companies through the firms' Tickers, filtering out the USA and other stock exchanges, leaving just the Europe Area ones? 2) Are there any links to match the 6-digit CUSIP from SDC Platinum with the codes available (RIC, CUSIP, ISIN) in the Eikon Platform? 3) Are there any filters that would allow the API script to also search for delisted/inactive companies? 4) Are there any filters that would also allow for the script to search for "FormallyKnownAsName"? There seems to be such entry an entry in the Data Item Browser; however, putting it as an xeq filter does not seem to recognize it. Perhaps there is a place to look up such filters? 5) Are there any clear guides on how to work around API limits to extract larger-size outputs in one ask? I hope you will be able to shed some light on at least some of these questions. Feel free to direct me further with this inquiry if necessary.

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Hi @BryanAlvin.Buenaventura ,

What you are asking above would be possible using the Search capabilities of Refinitiv data libraries for Python. You can learn more about the APIs in this reference guide.

This article would be very useful for building the search queries and this article for easy identification of properties and values. Please have a look at those resources, build your query and if any questions regarding that feel free to repost here and we will be happy to look into it.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,


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