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How can I pull "Private Equity/VC" data from the SCREENER app using the Eikon API?

I would like to pull data from the SCREENER App on Private Equity/VC using the Eikon API.

In WorkSpace I do this by opening the SCREENER app, setting "Universe" to "Private Equity/VC" and then setting any other filters I need.

Based off this documentation of how to use the API to pull data from the SCREENER App, it appears that I should be able to run the Excel plugin to define screener syntax. However, when I run the SCREENER app in the Excel Plug in, the button "Export All as Formulas" is grayed out, preventing me from getting the code to pull the Private Equity/VC data from the API.

I'd assume the code would look somethng like this:

syntax = 'SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))), TR.CompanyMarketCap>=5000000000, IN(TR.ExchangeMarketIdCode,"XNYS"), IN(TR.TRBCBusinessSectorCode,"5010","5020","5030"), TR.TotalReturn3Mo>=15, CURN=USD)'

Where the text "active, public, primary" would be replaced with something like "privateequity". However, i can't find any documentation or information on how to use the SCREENER for Private Equity/VC in either the Excel plugin or the API.

This post from five years ago has a similar question, but the answer is inconclusive about whether pulling "Private Equity/VC" data from the SCREENER app is possible in the API.

Is it possible to pull "Private Equity/VC" data from the SCREENER app in the API? Where could I find more documentation on this?

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Thank for reaching out to us.

If the button "Export All as Formulas" is grayed out, it could have some restrictions to generate formulas for the "Private Equity/VC".

Please contact the helpdesk team via MyRefinitiv to check why the button is grayed out.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.