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No module named 'refinitiv' Error

Hi,I want to automatically download a list of domestic investment trusts list everyday using task scheduler.

I downloaded Example.DataLibrary.Python zip.


I created App Key and set "rdp" in refinitiv-data.config.json and open QS_1.0-Sessions.ipynb.

and ran the first cell [import os os.environ["RD_LIB_CONFIG_PATH"]]

But when I ran the second cell,

[import refinitiv.data as rd]

an error has occured that

[ModuleNotFoundError:No module named 'refinitiv']

what should I do?

thank you.

#technologypython apirefinitiv-data-libraries
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Hi @grenpark06

It appears you have not installed the refinitiv module within your Python environment. I would suggest you review the Quick Start Guide for instructions to help get your environment up and running.

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thank you so much nick.zincone!

I was able to import refinitiv.data

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