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streaming prices request


i'm using asyncio loop to remain the ek.StreamingPrices function to remain the data stream open

i need to know since i'm continuously keeping the stream open and sleeping for one second

streaming_prices = ek.StreamingPrices(

instruments = newlist,

fields = ['BID','ASK','TRDPRC_1','ACVOL_1'],

on_refresh = lambda streaming_price, instrument_name, fields :

display_refreshed_fields(streaming_price, instrument_name, fields),

on_update = lambda streaming_price, instrument_name, fields :

display_updated_fields(streaming_price, instrument_name, fields)





If we go like above ...and put asyncio call in continuous while loop ....will after 1 second the code will again request for new request and it will be counted as 1 more request or it will just keep the current stream open and will not count it as a seperate request. This i'm asking in context of the number of requests we can send in a day ..Also in one request how many instruments i can send for streaming prices . I need to get the AT THE MONEY strike prices of a particular option during a session ...instead of subscribing to all strikes is there a way i can subscribe to ATM strike RIC's in between the session ...I have used above streamingPrices open request only at start of the session .

In addition to that if I want to add one instrument during ongoing streaming prices stream can i do that ....

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Hi @peeush ,

For async usage, you should migtrate to refinitiv-data lib because there is async API.

You can also get example from CodeBook application with the /_Examples__/01.Data Retrieval and Discovery/01.01. Refinitiv Data Library/Content__Pricing_Streaming_Cache.ipynb notebook.

Same example is available in Refinitiv Data Library for Python

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About your secondary requests:

  • Also in one request how many instruments i can send for streaming prices.
    => You can open hundreds items but it'll take time to open in 1 time.

  • I need to get the AT THE MONEY strike prices of a particular option during a session ...instead of subscribing to all strikes is there a way i can subscribe to ATM strike RIC's in between the session ...I have used above streamingPrices open request only at start of the session.
    => not sure to understand totally but if you need s trike price without maintaining streaming, you can open a stream with snapshot mode
    You'll only receive the refresh notification and the stream will close automatically

  • In addition to that if I want to add one instrument during ongoing streaming prices stream can i do that ....
    => with pricing stream, you can add/remove item during ongoing streaming.

Thanks for the reply ...2 things to confirm here :

1. in the refinitiv data function i can called to get data once we call this it'll will open the stream and data will keep on coming until we call pricing_stream.close() or something like that to close the stream ?

2. where can i get sample code to see how to add new instrument or delete existing instrument in already opened prices stream .

21 0 3 8

Thanks for the reply ...2 things to confirm here :

1. in the refinitiv data function i can called to get data once we call this it'll will open the stream and data will keep on coming until we call pricing_stream.close() or something like that to close the stream ?

2. where can i get sample code to see how to add new instrument or delete existing instrument in already opened prices stream .

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Also I have around 50 US Stocks for which i am trying to fetch the prices in stream ...I am getting following output for AAPL.O :

Refresh received for AAPL.O: _UniverseStreams id=0 universe=['AAPL.O', 'ABBV.K', 'ABT', 'ADBE.O', 'AMD.O', 'AMGN.O', 'AMZN.O', 'AVGO.O', 'BA', 'BAC', 'BRKb', 'CMCSA.O', 'COST.O', 'CRM', 'CSCO.O', 'CVX', 'DHR', 'DIS', 'GOOGL.O', 'HD', 'INTC.O', 'INTU.O', 'JNJ', 'JPM', 'KO', 'LLY', 'MA', 'MCD', 'MRK', 'MS', 'MSFT.O', 'NFLX.O', 'NKE', 'NVDA.O', 'ORCL.K', 'PEP.O', 'PFE', 'PG', 'QCOM.O', 'TMUS.O', 'TSLA.O', 'TXN.O', 'UNH', 'V', 'VZ', 'WFC', 'XOM']

this is my code :

pricing_stream = rd.content.pricing.Definition(


fields=['DSPLY_NAME', 'BID', 'ASK']


in stock list i have all stocks ...can you please tell why i'm i getting all stocks names in the refresh response for AAPL.O ...i'm getting the same response in all stocks case whereas in your examples: it shows giving proper bid , ask prices ...even if market is closed it should not give this response ..please explain

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21 0 3 8

pricing_stream = rd.content.pricing.Definition(


fields=['DSPLY_NAME', 'BID', 'ASK']


pricing_stream.on_refresh(lambda pricing_stream, instrument_name, fields :

print(f"Refresh received for {instrument_name}: {fields}"))

pricing_stream.on_update(lambda pricing_stream, instrument_name, fields :

print(f"Update received for {instrument_name}: {fields}"))

using this code to get live streaming prices for nifty

stockslist has NIFH4 symbol for nifty ...

Refresh received for NIFH4: _UniverseStreams id=0 universe=['NIFH4']

Update received for NIFH4: _UniverseStreams id=0 universe=['NIFH4']

Update received for NIFH4: _UniverseStreams id=0 universe=['NIFH4']

Update received for NIFH4: _UniverseStreams id=0 universe=['NIFH4']

Update received for NIFH4: _UniverseStreams id=0 universe=['NIFH4']

Update received for NIFH4: _UniverseStreams id=0 universe=['NIFH4']

Update received for NIFH4: _UniverseStreams id=0 universe=['NIFH4']

Update received for NIFH4: _UniverseStreams id=0 universe=['NIFH4']

Update received for NIFH4: _UniverseStreams id=0 universe=['NIFH4']

Update received for NIFH4: _UniverseStreams id=0 universe=['NIFH4']

Update received for NIFH4: _UniverseStreams id=0 universe=['NIFH4']

Update received for NIFH4: _UniverseStreams id=0 universe=['NIFH4']

Update received for NIFH4: _UniverseStreams id=0 universe=['NIFH4']

Update received for NIFH4: _UniverseStreams id=0 universe=['NIFH4']

getting this in response

as per document it should give data like this , sample data :

Refresh received for EUR= : {'DSPLY_NAME': 'BARCLAYS LON', 'BID': 1.1635, 'ASK': 1.1639}

Refresh received for GBP= : {'DSPLY_NAME': 'NEDBANK LTD JHB', 'BID': 1.3803, 'ASK': 1.3807}

Refresh received for CAD= : {'DSPLY_NAME': 'DANSKE BANK COP', 'BID': 1.2351, 'ASK': 1.2352}

Refresh received for JPY= : {'DSPLY_NAME': 'ASANPACIFIBK MOW', 'BID': 113.81, 'ASK': 113.83}

Update received for JPY= : {'DSPLY_NAME': 'NEDBANK LTD JHB', 'BID': 113.81, 'ASK': 113.83}

Update received for CAD= : {'DSPLY_NAME': 'DANSKE BANK COP', 'BID': 1.2351, 'ASK': 1.2352}

Update received for JPY= : {'DSPLY_NAME': 'ASANPACIFIBK MOW', 'BID': 113.81, 'ASK': 113.83}

Update received for EUR= : {'DSPLY_NAME': 'BARCLAYS LON', 'BID': 1.1635, 'ASK': 1.1639}

Update received for CAD= : {'DSPLY_NAME': 'DANSKE BANK COP', 'BID': 1.2351, 'ASK': 1.2352}

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I think the order of properties in lambda is incorrect. It should be:

lambda fields, instrument_name, pricing_stream 

The code looks like this:

pricing_stream1 = rd.content.pricing.Definition(
    fields=['DSPLY_NAME', 'BID', 'ASK']

pricing_stream1.on_refresh(lambda fields, instrument_name, pricing_stream :
    print(f"Refresh received for {instrument_name}: {fields}"))

pricing_stream1.on_update(lambda fields, instrument_name, pricing_stream :
    print(f"Update received for {instrument_name}: {fields}"))

The output is:


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where can i get sample code to see how to add new instrument or delete existing instrument in already opened prices stream .

21 0 3 8

where can i get sample code to see how to add new instrument or delete existing instrument in already opened prices stream .

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10 |1500

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All samples are on GitHub.

You can run the help(pricing_stream1) command to see all available methods.

It has the remove_instruments and add_instruments methods.

21 0 3 8

Hi ,

Can you please provide the exact syntax or the exact github section for the remove_instruments and add_instruments methods.

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Hello @peeush

Did you try the Python code to generate the library's help information as suggested by @Jirapongse yet?

I have tested it, it works fine on my end.

pricing_stream1 = rd.content.pricing.Definition(
    fields=['DSPLY_NAME', 'BID', 'ASK']


Then you can scroll down to the remove_instruments and add_instruments methods.


See more in the comment.

stream-1.png (65.7 KiB)
stream-2.png (32.6 KiB)
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I hope this information helps.

stream-3.png (33.5 KiB)

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