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Login to API Playground logs me out of Eikon


whenever i try to login to the API playground i get logged out of my Eikon session.

This is extremely frustrating. How am i supposed to read the REST API docs without being kicked out of the very platform i need to research RICS, Fieldnames, etc.?


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Thank you for reaching out to us.

You can try to run the APIDocs through Eikon.


I tested it and it worked with my account.

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hey @Jirapongse great tip. thank you, that worked!

you happen to have any info regarding the login into the api from my app? i didnt find anything useful when searching for login, signin or auth

what i would want to do is to call the api from my app (which is outside eikon).

thank you

50 1 0 4
Bonus question:
how do i even sign in to the API (outside the playground, posting to to be even able to call e.g. /discovery/search/v1/ ?
all that while Eikon is running.

found the answer at

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.