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How to get Company Financial Statements via REST API call

Hi i am looking for a data provider for financial data.

Is there a REST API endpoint available in any of the data products by LSEG which provides the quarterly/annual financial (e.g income) statements for each company.

thank you

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Hello @kaykhan

There are two endpoints of the RDP APIs that might match your needs.

The first one is /data/company-fundamentals/v1/financial-statements


The second one is /data/entity-reference/v1/organization/


Note: I do not have permissions to test what return data of those endpoints look like.

I strongly suggest you contact your LSEG Representative or Account Manager to help you with this question. They should suggest the LSEG APIs/Services that suit your requirements.

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thanks i have reached out to sales department asking for more information on how to get access to the RDS API. Do you happen to know a an estimate for what the pricing for this RDS API usually is?

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10 |1500

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Hello @kaykhan

Unfortunately, I do not have the price information. The sale team should be able to help you on that question.

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