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I would like to know the type of APi in Eikon

I am currently working on an application that uses chatGPT and Eikon's API to retrieve and summarize news.

However, when I try to retrieve news from Eikon, I get an error and cannot retrieve the news.

I have also heard that an API to retrieve news could solve the problem, as there are limitations to retrieving news, forcing me to use Python to retrieve the news.

(DeskTop's API has a limit of 100 items per call, so it was originally designed to retrieve news by dividing the time in some way, rather than retrieving a large amount of news.

Is there an API for retrieving news?

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Hi @sizuka.okimura

When using native News endpoint to retrieve news headlines, the maximum the service can retrieve in a single call is 100, however, the service is cursor-based meaning you can use the cursor to retrieve additional news elements when there are more available. Alternatively, you can use the Data Library for Python, as it will automatically utilize the cursor capability and perform this action on behalf of the user. For example:

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Hi @sizuka.okimura, The Python API might work well in your use case; you can find details about it here. If you would like news data going back further than 3 months, you might be interested in this article. Please note that you will need LSEG Workspace licenses allowing for access for this data; for more information on this, please reach out to my.refinitiv.com.

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