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114 3 6 8

inconsistent behavior of ADS while using websockets and service is currently down (A17)

Hi (copy of support case 13470008).

While using ads3.7.2.L1.linux.rrg 64-bit under RHEL7.9, I observed an inconsistent behavior.

While requesting to stream 200 symbols (using websockets) onto a service currently down on ADS , I am receiving the following (expected) status message from the server. The problem is that a subset of these replies are never received, leading to inconsistent behavior into client applications.

"A17: Service is down. Will call when service becomes available."

It is OK for 65 symbols, i.e. :

2024-04-11 11:40:56,773 - INFO - STATUS - GDCUTP : item SPIE.EU is Open (Suspect) - A17: Service is down. Will call when service becomes available..

But 135 other replies are totally missing (we have no reply at all from the server, even after hours.)

NB : the missing replies are not always the same, it varies at each subscription request.

Thanks in advance for your help.


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27.2k 65 17 14

Hello @julien.dominici

Thank you for reaching out to us. Please be informed that the WebSocket API is the server-side API, so I strongly suggest you contact the ADS support team to verify this issue.

You (or the ADS support team) may try to use the RTDS's testclient tool connects (WebSocket) to the same service down-ADS server with the same set of RICs and see if it can replicate the issue.

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114 3 6 8

Hello @wasin.w , thanks a lot for your reply.

I have provided RTDS L3 support with ADS dbg log file already indeed, they are currently analizying it. We can see 58 replies received for 190 streaming market prices requests sent (using Batch and Views) in it. I am very often asked by front line support to replicate Websocket related questions in here, that's the main reason why I am here.

Have an excellent day Wasin.


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10 |1500

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You may need to request the cut-down version of the application from the client to replicate this issue.

Otherwise, you can ask the client to modify our examples to replicate this issue.

114 3 6 8

Hi @Jirapongse , thanks for your reply as well. Not sure if my last message was understable enough, sorry for that. I was saying that indeed, this has been provided already to RTDS L3 support with raw traces from ADS debug logger and full steps in order to replicate the issue. I am waiting for their feedback. The program is based on your Github examples indeed.

This is what we have sent to the server while a service was down :

[Tue Apr 16  08:35:33.650755 2024] JSON message of length 3186 received on socket 58
{"ID": 2, "Key": {"Service": "GDCUTP", "Name": ["EQNR.EU", "SYENS.EU", "GJF.EU", "AED.EU", "LI.EU", "GALP.EU", "IT0003153415MTAAEUR.EU", "IT0000062072MTAAEUR.EU", "TOM.EU", "TEL.EU", "IT0005282865MTAAEUR.EU", "DG.EU", "SUBC.EU", "GB00BP6MXD84XAMSEUR.EU", "NL0015435975MTAAEUR.EU", "AGS.EU", "NHY.EU", "RYA.EU", "NL0011585146MTAAEUR.EU", "SCR.EU", "IT0005508921MTAAEUR.EU", "ATE.EU", "EL.EU", "DIM.EU", "UCB.EU", "CS.EU", "HO.EU", "IPN.EU", "NL0010273215XAMSEUR.EU", "IT0005090300MTAAEUR.EU", "WLN.EU", "SW.EU", "SK.EU", "ARGX.EU", "RXL.EU", "GBLB.EU", "IT0005218380MTAAEUR.EU", "SPIE.EU", "IT0003856405MTAAEUR.EU", "ABI.EU", "FRO.EU", "BVI.EU", "NL0013654783XAMSEUR.EU", "IT0004810054MTAAEUR.EU", "IT0004056880MTAAEUR.EU", "IT0003828271MTAAEUR.EU", "DSY.EU", "ORA.EU", "AMUN.EU", "IT0003132476MTAAEUR.EU", "LU2598331598MTAAEUR.EU", "NL0011821202XAMSEUR.EU", "GTT.EU", "UBI.EU", "STB.EU", "KRX.EU", "SOI.EU", "NL0012866412XAMSEUR.EU", "SGO.EU", "EDEN.EU", "FR.EU", "SK3.EU", "CAP.EU", "RCO.EU", "NL0011540547XAMSEUR.EU", "IT0005239360MTAAEUR.EU", "NL0000395903XAMSEUR.EU", "JMT.EU", "LU1598757687XAMSEUR.EU", "IT0000072170MTAAEUR.EU", "ALO.EU", "SAF.EU", "ELI.EU", "IT0001233417MTAAEUR.EU", "EDP.EU", "EN.EU", "SAN.EU", "FGR.EU", "GLE.EU", "SOF.EU", "GET.EU", "CH1216478797XAMSEUR.EU", "BOL.EU", "LR.EU", "NL0013267909XAMSEUR.EU", "UMI.EU", "IT0003796171MTAAEUR.EU", "BCP.EU", "ACKB.EU", "KBC.EU", "NL0010558797XAMSEUR.EU", "NL0012015705XAMSEUR.EU", "KOG.EU", "IPS.EU", "EDPR.EU", "NL0000009082XAMSEUR.EU", "IT0000072618MTAAEUR.EU", "NL0012059018XAMSEUR.EU", "NL0000226223MTAAEUR.EU", "BAKKA.EU", "BIRG.EU", "LOTB.EU", "GL9.EU", "AC.EU", "MF.EU", "NEX.EU", "IT0003242622MTAAEUR.EU", "NL0011872643XAMSEUR.EU", "LU2290522684XAMSEUR.EU", "IT0004176001MTAAEUR.EU", "URW.EU", "MOWI.EU", "AKE.EU", "WDP.EU", "ACA.EU", "FRVIA.EU", "IT0001250932MTAAEUR.EU", "AKRBP.EU", "COV.EU", "RNO.EU", "NL0006237562XAMSEUR.EU", "BN.EU", "CDI.EU", "PUB.EU", "VIV.EU", "NL0000009165XAMSEUR.EU", "IT0004965148MTAAEUR.EU", "IT0005366767MTAAEUR.EU", "VIE.EU", "TTE.EU", "RI.EU", "AIR.EU", "KRZ.EU", "ADP.EU", "IT0000066123MTAAEUR.EU", "NL00150001Q9MTAAEUR.EU", "BNP.EU", "NL0015000IY2XAMSEUR.EU", "NL0000334118XAMSEUR.EU", "FDJ.EU", "AZE.EU", "A5G.EU", "MC.EU", "COFB.EU", "ERF.EU", "SU.EU", "AI.EU", "OR.EU", "CA.EU", "NL0000379121XAMSEUR.EU", "NL0010773842XAMSEUR.EU", "IT0003492391MTAAEUR.EU", "DIE.EU", "KER.EU", "VK.EU", "SALM.EU", "BMG0112X1056XAMSEUR.EU", "YAR.EU", "IT0003128367MTAAEUR.EU", "NL0012969182XAMSEUR.EU", "BIM.EU", "SESG.EU", "IT0001347308MTAAEUR.EU", "ORK.EU", "IT0001078911MTAAEUR.EU", "IT0000062957MTAAEUR.EU", "TE.EU", "GFC.EU", "NL0011794037XAMSEUR.EU", "RMS.EU", "NL0000852564XAMSEUR.EU", "ELIS.EU", "ENGI.EU", "IT0004764699MTAAEUR.EU", "NL0000008977XAMSEUR.EU", "NL0000009538XAMSEUR.EU", "SOP.EU", "IT0003497168MTAAEUR.EU", "ML.EU", "RF.EU", "NL0010801007XAMSEUR.EU", "IT0005211237MTAAEUR.EU", "IT0000784196MTAAEUR.EU", "TEP.EU", "NL0014332678XAMSEUR.EU", "AM.EU", "DNB.EU", "ADE.EU", "IT0003261697MTAAEUR.EU", "RUI.EU"]}, "Streaming": true, "View": ["TRDTIM_1", "HST_CLOSE", "TRADE_DATE", "ITEM_STATE", "BEST_ASK1", "BASE_CCY", "HIGH_1", "LOW_1", "OPEN_PRC", "BEST_BID1", "TRDPRC_1"]}

But we received (in this example) only 58 replies, like this one, and the others are missing :

[Tue Apr 16  08:35:33.672232 2024] JSON message of length 185 sent on socket 58
{"ID":4,"Type":"Status","Key":{"Service":"GDCUTP","Name":"SYENS.EU"},"State":{"Stream":"Open","Data":"Suspect","Text":"A17: Service is down. Will call when service becomes available."}}

I can share ads.dbg file here as well but I am sure that L3 is already working on it and I am waiting for their feedback.

Have an excellent day.


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