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Websocket "ERROR:websocket:close status: 1001"

Hello Team,

We have upgraded contribution service from ATS version 1.6.6 to ATS 1.6.8.E1 and since then we have started noticing websocket error message while invoking the close method - "ERROR:websocket:close status: 1001". Though this not impacting but on closing websocket we get the above error. Just wanted to understand if this is a known issue or if anyone has come across this and whether this is an expected websocket behaviour with ATS version 1.6.8.E1. Additional information, we are running ADH/ADS version 3.6.0.L1.

Appreciate any suggestions on this.



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The resolution in the ticket mentioned that you have upgraded to version 1.6.9.L1 as suggested and this version is working fine and as expected.

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Hello @Sunil.Annaldasula

Please confirm if I understand the question and your deployment diagram correctly:

  • The contribution diagram is WebSocket Client --> ADS 3.6.0.L1 --> ADH 3.6.0.L1 --> ATS 1.6.6
  • Everything works fine with ATS version 1.6.6
  • When you upgrade the ATS version to 1.6.8.E1 (WebSocket Client --> ADS 3.6.0.L1 --> ADH 3.6.0.L1 --> ATS 1.6.8.E1), the WebSocket returns "ERROR:websocket:close status: 1001" when you are closing the WebSocket connection

Based on my research, WebSocket close status 1001 indicates that an endpoint is "going away", such as a server going down or a browser having navigated away from a page.

It seems to be an expected behavior when closing the application, but I am not sure why it does not occurs with ATS 1.6.6. Are there other changes besides the ATS version?

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Hi Wasin,

Your understanding is correct on the flow contributions being made from websocket to ATS.

I am off the same opinion websocket close status is an expected message but i dont know why the websocket when connected to other / older version of ATS 1.6.6 or even 1.6.3, I dont see that message with status code1001. Perhaps though am assuming is it because of manual interruption of terminating the websocket session is causing that error.

Also no additional changes are made on ATS or ADS configurations.

27.2k 65 17 14

Hello @Sunil.Annaldasula

Are they any changes on the WebSocket application environment side such as code change, library/Python runtime version change, etc? Updating the ADH's Upstream component (from ATS 1.6.1 to ATS 1.6.8.X) should not impact the low level of the consumer side.

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Hello @Sunil.Annaldasula

Could you please also give us more detail about the WebSocket contribution application as follows?

  • Python version
  • OS
  • websocket-client library version
  • etc
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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.