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HTTP 902 on python api Refinitiv

I'm using the default python Refinitiv setup to get data.

All works well, until just now. Receiving HTTP 902 errors. What is this error and how can I solve this.

Just to be clear. I've downloaded the last few days multiple correct datasets. I can share a code example:

import as rd
from import fundamental_and_reference


response = fundamental_and_reference.Definition(universe=['example']).get_data()

As I wrote, I've downloaded multiple data this last week, but suddenly I receive this error. What is going on?

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Hello @r.fernandez

Unfortunately, I cannot find any official information about the HTTP error 902 on the Data library.

However, I checked the Eikon/Workspace support ticket system. I found that there was an issue on the Eikon/Workspace platform service on 25-26 May which causes some clients got error 902 access denied message.

Is it the same error message that you encountered? If so, the problem should be resolved now.

If the error message is not same, the next time you encounter the issue please share the following information:

  • Full error log message
  • The version of the Data library you are using
  • Which session that you are using? (Desktop or RDP)
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Hello @r.fernandez

I did a quick test with the Data Library for Python version 1.6.1 for both Platform and Desktop sessions. It works fine on my end without any issues.



Does the issue still persist in your environment? If so, please share the full HTTP error message with the following information:

  • The version of the Data library you are using (you can check with print(rd.__version__) statement.
  • Which session that you are using?

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

Hi @wasin.w

After 1 day waiting the error was gone. However, this was not my question to recreate the error. As such, let me reframe the question:

Do you have any documentation describing why the server return 902 and what the cause is?

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.