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Pulling PERATIO from get_data_async

Hi everyone,

I have a question regarding asynchronously pulling the PERATIO value. Here, I am following the notation as I found it in the Data Item Builder. However, when I try to pull data asynchronously with Python, it doesn't work.

data = await content.fundamental_and_reference.Definition(universe='AAPL.O', fields=['TR.CLOSEPRICE','TR.BIDPRICE','TR.ASKPRICE', 'PERATIO']).get_data_async(closure='')

I get a ReadTimeout. To troubleshoot, I tried to find another notation for the actual PE Ratio in the Data Item Builder for this, and I couldn't find it. I need some guidance as to how I can pull this value since it is essential to my use case.


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Hi @vishal.nanwani ,

Have you tried using 'TR.PE' ?

data = await fundamental_and_reference.Definition(universe='AAPL.O', fields=['TR.CLOSEPRICE','TR.BIDPRICE','TR.ASKPRICE', 'TR.PE']).get_data_async(closure='')


Best regards,


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Hi @aramyan.h ,

It works now. Thanks!!

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.