When requesting quarterly/3 month historical data from the Summaries API the data type for the OPEN_PRC column is defined as Int64 which means we're missing data precision for the values. I'm attaching a screen shot of the resulting table...
You can see that the 6 rows in the OPEN_PRC column are all integers.
The code to duplicate the issue...
// Create the platform session. using ISession session = Sessions.GetSession(); // Open the session session.Open(); var def = Summaries.Definition() .Universe("IBM.N") .Interval(Summaries.Interval.P3M) .TimestampLabel(Summaries.TimestampLabel.startPeriod) .Fields("OPEN_PRC", "HIGH_1", "LOW_1", "TRDPRC_1", "ACVOL_UNS", "NUM_MOVES") .Sessions(HistoricalPricing.Sessions.normal) .Count(1250) .Start("2023-01-02T00:00:00Z") .End("2024-05-28T00:00:00Z") .GetData(); Common.DisplayTable("Summary for ", dev);
Other instruments do not have the same problem with OPEN_PRC nor do different intervals. Here's a shot of the Visual Studio debugger showing the data type of the OPEN_PRC column...