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Timed out on the end point


I have a loop to evaluate OTC Equity options via the end point:


and also tried:


but am getting the error either way.

I am passing 90 options at a time to be below the limit and the same script used to run flawlessly for months

but recently, I started to get the following timed out error daily. The full error is:

"Response(is_success=False, raw=<Response [503 Service Unavailable]>, errors=[Error(code=503, message='[QpsDps] I/O error on POST request for "": Read timed out')"

Any suggestions?



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Hello @Moti.Konak

The "Response(is_success=False, raw=<Response [503 Service Unavailable]>, errors=[Error(code=503, message='[QpsDps] I/O error on POST request for "": Read timed out')" error message indicates there is an error on the server side. The HTTP Status 503 Service Unavailable also means the server is not ready to handle the request.

I strongly suggest you contact the RDP Quantitative Analytics Support team to verify the issue on their end. You can contact the team via the website.

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