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How to get the SeriveName in Provider from consumer, during application shutdown at consumer

we are having a provider(RFA), and a Consumer(Ema).

When subscribing to the MarketDataService from the Consumer, the ServiceName appears on the Provider side through Trep.

However, during application shutdown on the Consumer side, automatic unsubscription calls are made, which we observe at the Provider end. Unfortunately, we can't see the ServiceName on the Provider side during this process. We are not explicitly unsubscribing during the shutdown.

1. During shutdown, is the EMA/Trep responsible for the automatic unsubscription?

2. Do you have any suggestions for retrieving the ServiceName on the Provider side during application shutdown?

NOTE: we are usnig Ema:, language: Java

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Hello @tuhin4uu,

The interactive provider application is responsible for handling all the subscription and unsubscription requests.

>> During shutdown, is the EMA/Trep responsible for the automatic unsubscription?

When the EMA application is terminated, it might not have the time to send an unsubscribe request. If RTMDS is used in the middle, the infrastructure will detect a channel down event, and might send unsubscribe on the consumer's behalf (need to verify this)

>> Do you have any suggestions for retrieving the ServiceName on the Provider side during application shutdown?

The provider application should maintain a map of all the item handles and subscription details like item name, service name etc. When an unsubscribe request is received for a handle, the app should be able to retrieve this information from the internal map and remove the handle.

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