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Refinitv API connection force log out my Workspace app and do not allow me to sign in

Hi, I am forced log out when I open_session with while having the Workspace app open, then the app asks me to sign in (screenshot below), after I hit 'Sign In', it shows 'Loading' then return to the first screenshot. In order to sign in, I have to force close the app on Task Manager and launch it again.

Does anyone have any idea? thanks.

1725410969449.png 1725411053232.png

#productpython apiconnection-errorerror-login
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@Tim Lai

Thank you for reaching out to us.

As far as I know, you can't run a Workspace and RDP application with the same account at the same time.

There is only one active session for each account. Otherwise, you need to use the RD desktop session instead. The desktop session will retreive data from the API proxy running in a Workspace app.

If you need a separated account for an RDP application, please contact your LSEG account team or sales team directly.

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Hi @Tim Lai ,

Could you precise which Refinitiv Data API you're using ? Python, .Net or TypeScript ?

Refinitiv Data APIs are supposed to use with Workspace running side by side with a session, but according to the behaviour of open_session(), I suspect you have a configuration for a platform session that authentifies with your login/password.
If you confirm, that's what causes the disconnection of Workspace.

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