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Reuters/Thomson Reuters/Refinitiv aka LSEG have many APIS and many versions of APIs.

For example you have flavours such as ssl, rfa, ema ,eta. I have lost track of which is which. More importantly can you tell me the relationship between versions and flavours and support please ? For example I hear that SSL is no longer supported ?

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Hello @graham.street

Thank you for reaching out to us.

There is an Choosing a Real-time Streaming API article that might help you in more detail.

Please let me explain by dividing our Real-Time APIs into the following categories:

Strategic APIs

The current strategic APIs are the Real-Time SDK (ETA and EMA APIs) and the WebSocket API.

  • Enterprise Transport API (ETA), formerly known as UPA API is the low-level Transport API that provides highest performance for an application.
  • Enterprise Message API (EMA), the high-level Message API that provides high performance via the ease-of-use API interfaces for an application.
  • WebSocket API, the open standard connection with open standard JSON message format

The RTSDK supports both RSSL (LSEG proprietary TCP-based connection that transfer data in binary) and the WebSocket connection. The RSSL is designed for data distribution and has a better performance than the WebSocket.

The RTSDK supports C/C++, Java, and C# editions.

The WebSocket API supports any programming languages that support WebSocket connection and JSON message. It is designed for supporting multiple technologies.

Both RTSDK and WebSocket API can connect to deployed RTDS, RTO (RTDS on the Cloud) and RTMDS.

Non-Strategic APIs

The non-strategic APIs are the RFA APIs version 8.x. It supports the RSSL connection. It can connect to deployed RTDS and RTMDS.

Since the APIs are non-strategic, there is no features updates for the API. The API receives bug fixes and platform supported update only.

Legacy APIs

The legacy APIs are the SFC and RFA 7.x. If you are using these APIs, you should consider migrate to the strategic APIs. Please check this Migrating from Refinitiv Legacy to Strategic APIs article for more detail.

SSL Connection

About the SSL connection, please check this PCN206364 for more detail.

I hope this information helps.

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Hello @graham.street

I forgot to give you this LSEG Real-Time Use Case page. It gives you an overall detail of the current strategic Real-Time APIs.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.