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Please make Elektron MRN Tutorial sample code VS140 compatible

All the code mentioned in this post is C++

your Elektron EMA SDK is already VS140 compatible

But your Elektron MRN Tutorial is only VS120 compatible

When could you make Elektron MRN Tutorial VS140 compatible?
especially for Tutorial step5 - Download & decode Machine Readable News

Is there a timeline to do it?


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Hi @xli1997

I cannot confirm a date at this point for when the examples will include VS140 solution files etc.

However, I was able to open the MRNConsumer_VS120.vcxproj file in VS140, allow VS140 to upgrade the project. I then amended the Project properties to link in the VS140 libraries and successfully compiled and ran the example.

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Thanks. You are right. I am now able to build VS140 by changing Project properties to link the VS140 libraries in\Ema\Libs\WIN_64_VS140

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Hi @xli1997

We do intend to upgrade the tutorials to include VS140 project files but no timescales as of yet.



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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.