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How do i use the /caseReferences api to get the CaseSystemId from CaseId? How to use the "Query" parameter type in Get request?


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Hi @aurag.patil,

when you create a new case using the /cases function you can optionally supply a case-id value, if you do not do so, one is generated, and in both situations this value is returned in the case-id value of the response from the cases call.

This case-id value can then be used with the /casereferences call to get the case-system-id which is required to fetch/update the actual details of a case.


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Hi @Joseph.McClean

Yes, I am aware of that, what I want to know is how do I pass the case id in /casereferences API. As "Case Id" is Query parameter type. So not sure is it path of Get request or any other way??

Hi @Anurag.Patil,

for /casereferences the case-id should be added to the path of the get request e.g. in C# it would be

where the case-id-value is the value returned in the cases response Hi @Joseph.McClean

Thanks for your help. But now I am getting an Unauthorized exception in response. Actually, I am using the test credentials by TR team (Shilpi Saha).

Below is the code I am trying, PFA the simple main class where I am using it. I just want to test the API integration, if it works then I can get my own API credentials.


Can you help me to get this code working??

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