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Integration with world check one api

In my application I have to screen a party and get the result and based on that we will activate the party. So I am following these steps.

1. Get groupId and store for all future screening request. (one time)

2. Get Case System Id for a Customer (cases) (one time and store in customer master) and for future screening request I am taking the same case system Id from the Customer master. Is this a good method or do I need to generate case system id every time?

3. Screen Case (screeningRequest)

4. Get Result (results)

is this process ok? or is there a better way ?


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I have already shared a link with you that mentions the correct steps to screen a case and then check the world check profile.

I am sharing it again here:

I am rewriting the same content (as in the above link) for your reference:

1. Get top level groups: One time, if you are planning on to make changes in the group structure using the WC1 GUI.

2. Get the case template of the group: One time, if you are planning on to make changes in the case template using the WC1 GUI.

3. Get the country ISO list: One time. But the information is subjected to change so we recommend them fired periodically.

4. Get Case System Id for a Customer (cases) (one time and store in customer master) and for future screening request I am taking the same case system Id from the Customer master. Few questions here:

Are you saving a case here? or just pulling the case system Id of the already screened case or saved case?

Is this a good method or do I need to generate case system id every time?

[Ans by Irfan]: This depends on what are you trying to do. If you want to re screen an existing client, then using the same case system Id is a good idea. If you are screening a new client whose name is same that exists in your screened case DB already but the secondary identifier like place of birth, date of birth, etc is different, I would suggest you to create a new case, meaning generate a new case system Id for it.

In short, if you are re screening existing clients, use the same case system Id.

If you are screening a new client even though a file with same name exists (provided they are two different clients), generating a new case system Id is a better Id. This will lead to better tracking and visibility on each client you have screened.

5. Screen a case

6. Audit API: This is to find if the case has been screened or not.

7. Get screening results (If the case is screened,i.e, yes for step 6 and still there is an empty response for this API, that means the case has not results. This is why audit API is important).

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