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Option Chain Quotes for delayed ULs


I am looking to retrieve option chain quotes for delayed underlyings via API. I am able to retrieve option chain quotes via API for all "live" underlyings, however for the delayed ones I am unable to.

E.g. for /MOWI.OL, /.FTMIB, /VAR1.DE

How can I implement the option chains quotes (delayed) into my code?

Thanks for any support!


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Hi ff

Please try this code:

df,e = ek.get_data("0#MOWI*.OL",["DSPLY_NAME"])
RICList = df["Instrument"].tolist()

df2,e = ek.get_data(RICList,["DSPLY_NAME","TR.BIDPRICE","TR.ASKPRICE"])

Here is the sample output:

I do not have access permission to 0#VAR1*.EX so I could not test it.

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Hi ff

I make a separate API call to get data from IBM.N and /IBM.N and I can get the data according to their timeliness.

But if I combined them in the same API call, I can only get the realtime data.

So please separate them in different API calls.

I cannot use the provided RICs for demonstration because the delayed data and realtime data are the same at this moment. So I use IBM.N instead.

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thank you very much for the prompt reply.

To be more preceise, I am looking to retrieve option chain quotes. For some underlyings it works for others it doesnt.

For e.g.

MOWI my code --> df, err = ek.get_data('0#MOWI*.OL', ['DSPLY_NAME', 'BID', 'ASK']) does not work.

or for Varta AF --> df, err = ek.get_data('0#VAR1*.EX', ['DSPLY_NAME', 'BID', 'ASK'])

Bascially, I need the option chain quote info which I can access (pls see e.g. screenshot) to retrieve via API.

Or can I retrieve that info delayed / end of day?

Thanks again for your support!



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Thx for your support!

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