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Retrieve fund dividend type via Python Eikon API

What is the field flag to retrieve the type of a fund dividend? I am unable to find appropriate field to get info like: 'Income Dividend', 'Qualified Income Dividend', 'Non-Qualified Income Dividend'.

Example of python code (I wan to replace '???' with appropriate field):

fields = ['TR.FundExDate', 'TR.FundDiv', 'TR.FundDivCurr', '???']
data = ek.get_data(symbol, fields, {'SDate': start_date, 'EDate': end_date})

Example desired of data from Eikon:

Based of other fund dividend flags I would expect the field to be 'TR.FundDivType' but I cannot find anything similar using EIKON DIB app.

div-type-eikon.png (52.5 KiB)
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Hi @fgaspar

I tried to locate the fields on the Data Item Browser but failed to do so.

I suggest that you contact the Refinitiv Content Helpdesk to clarify if there is any field carrying the information you are looking for.

The helpdesk can be reached at https://my.refinitiv.com/

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