Hi Team,
I am trying to pull in news stories using rdp.get_news_story, but no format seems to be working
I am using a dedicated RDP account and I can pull in headlines just fine ex. using
rdp.get_news_headlines(query="R:VOD.L AND LEN", date_from="2021-03-06T09:00:00", \
date_to="2021-03-08T18:00:00", count=10, sort_order='newToOld')
but the subsequent story retrieval isn't working ex. for story ID urn:newsml:reuters.com:20210308:nBw12DM8da:1
I would assume it would behave the same way as eikon DAPI where I just need to supply the ID/PNAC string but the below don't work
I also tried parsing the url into the same format indicated in the context menu for the function, but still no luck
import urllib
test = urllib.parse.quote('urn:newsml:reuters.com:20210308:nBw12DM8da:1', \
encoding='utf-8', errors='replace')
Any hints how to access the story using that ID?