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latest FX poll data


I am using RDP to get the data for FX polls. One issue I am having is that the latest/current poll data doesn't show up. Here is my query


universe = 'GBP1MP=',

interval = rdp.Intervals.MONTHLY,


start = '2021-01-01',

end = '2022-02-15')

The latest date is 1/31/2022 with the FCAST_DATE field (poll date) 1/6/2022. However, if you check Eikon FX Polls there is a new poll on Feb-01-2022. How can I get the latest available poll along with its poll date?

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Hi @theo01

If you do not provide an end date, you should get the most recent recorded data within the historical database. That being said, doing this also reported the latest data of 1/31/2022. Perhaps, the data isn't made available within this specific service until the end of the month. This is more of a content and data service question that can be addressed by opening a content ticket within Refinitiv Support.

While we can help with content-related questions where we can, the monitors on this site are not experts in content nor can confirm the validity and quality of the data. It is best to go through the helpdesk.

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