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how to get field name for TR.F.SGAASR?

df_SGA,err = ek.get_data(['6902.T'],
    {'Curn':'JPY','Scale': 6 ,'Period':'FY0','Frq':'FY','SDate':'0','EDate':'-30'})

returns total selling, general and admin expenses but also break down of the item,

how can I get the name of alll the fields?

tried TR.F.SGAASR.name, TR.F.SGAASR.fieldname, TR.F.SGAASR.name.*** but nothing works...

python api
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Thank you for the exaplanation.

The field could be TR.F.SGAASR.LIName.

df_SGA, err = ek.get_data(['6902.T'],
                         {'Curn':'JPY','Scale': 6 ,'Period':'FY0','Frq':'FY','SDate':'0','EDate':'-30'})


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Thank you. It saved my day!
Is thay a way to find the related data field?I tried "Search Tools"->"Data Items" in my refinitiv workspace,
But cannot even find TR.F.SGAASR



I couldn't find it too.

I tried other output fields from the TR.JPOtherSGAExpense field and it works.


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Do you mean a display name of a field?

If yes, the fields' display names are populated in the data frame's column names.


You can set the raw_output to True to get the raw JSON data.


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1646633162950.png (55.2 KiB)
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The query returns multiple value for patricular fiscal year (eg. FY2021)

Apparently 42,577, and 87,309 showed in your snapshot is break down of overall SG&A, but they all have the same name "TR.F.SGAASR"

I wonder if I can retrieve item name such as "Packing Expense, xxx,xx" and "Provision for product warranties" directly.屏幕截图-2022-03-07-152005.jpg

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