Hello, when I try to set the API key , I got this error message , Can you help me ?
Hello, when I try to set the API key , I got this error message , Can you help me ?
I checked the entitlements on your Eikon account from your email used to post this question. You subscribe to the low-tier Eikon variant named Eikon Core.
According to this thread, Eikon Core does not include access to Eikon Data APIs.
You need to contact your Refinitiv sales or account team to verify it.
The error could be a result of a newer version of httpx version 0.20.0. Try downgrading your httpx, i.e.
pip install httpx==0.19.0
Thanks you.
At first , the line where I set the API key and it it seems working , but when I try to retrieve data I got problems.. I upload the screen of the issues
Oh Thanks You, I didn't know that this feature was in my Eikon package, I will contact the representative
You should be able to perform a self-test to see if you have the 'api' variant. With Eikon or Refinitiv Workspace running, try the following within a browser:
This should provide some text output within your window. Within the "subApps" stanza of your output, there should be a "path": "/api". For example:
"subApps": [ { "path": "/heap" }, ... { "path": "/api" }, ... ]
Hi,My eikon, when using following python code:import logging.configimport eikon as ekek.set_log_level(logging.DEBUG) ek.set_app_key('3XXXXXX')--------------------------------------------------------------------Gives me following error and I reset my app keys still it asks me register a new app key.This is the log of the error-- please see the last line at end of the log.2024-06-09 18:05:41,985 P[3484] [MainThread 8231484096] Reset a Desktop session with new app_key2024-06-09 18:05:41,996 P[3484] [MainThread 8231484096] Unlock login_event for streaming session 0 due to stop streaming call2024-06-09 18:05:42,003 P[3484] [MainThread 8231484096] Send GET request to to detect API Proxy...2024-06-09 18:05:42,004 P[3484] [MainThread 8231484096] Request to headers = {'x-tr-applicationid': '3a0543d5fdca4325ab12c1ecd5c8ae2a0d439e12', 'Authorization': 'Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJBcGlWZXJzaW9uIjoiMSIsIkFwcEtleSI6IjNhMDU0M2Q1ZmRjYTQzMjVhYjEyYzFlY2Q1YzhhZTJhMGQ0MzllMTIiLCJBcHBTY29wZSI6InRyYXBpIiwiTGlicmFyeU5hbWUiOiJSRFAgUHl0aG9uIExpYnJhcnkiLCJMaWJyYXJ5VmVyc2lvbiI6IjEuMS4xOCIsImlhdCI6MTcxNzk4MDQ1OSwiZXhwIjoxNzE5MTkwMDU5fQ.7_UR8AUSUU2bB_m6TsPMiDeHA5E8RQeLqmqaSEzA_aw'} params = None2024-06-09 18:05:42,042 P[3484] [MainThread 8231484096] Checking proxy url response : 200 - {"statusCode":"ST_PROXY_READY","version":"3.6.6"}2024-06-09 18:05:42,043 P[3484] [MainThread 8231484096] Port 9000 was retrieved from .portInUse file2024-06-09 18:05:42,044 P[3484] [MainThread 8231484096] Try to handshake on url 18:05:42,045 P[3484] [MainThread 8231484096] Request to headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJBcGlWZXJzaW9uIjoiMSIsIkFwcEtleSI6IjNhMDU0M2Q1ZmRjYTQzMjVhYjEyYzFlY2Q1YzhhZTJhMGQ0MzllMTIiLCJBcHBTY29wZSI6InRyYXBpIiwiTGlicmFyeU5hbWUiOiJSRFAgUHl0aG9uIExpYnJhcnkiLCJMaWJyYXJ5VmVyc2lvbiI6IjEuMS4xOCIsImlhdCI6MTcxNzk4MDQ1OSwiZXhwIjoxNzE5MTkwMDU5fQ.7_UR8AUSUU2bB_m6TsPMiDeHA5E8RQeLqmqaSEzA_aw', 'x-tr-applicationid': '3a0543d5fdca4325ab12c1ecd5c8ae2a0d439e12'} params = None2024-06-09 18:05:42,056 P[3484] [MainThread 8231484096] Response : 200 - {"access_token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJBcGlWZXJzaW9uIjoiMSIsIkFwcEtleSI6IjNhMDU0M2Q1ZmRjYTQzMjVhYjEyYzFlY2Q1YzhhZTJhMGQ0MzllMTIiLCJBcHBTY29wZSI6InRyYXBpIiwiTGlicmFyeU5hbWUiOiJSRFAgUHl0aG9uIExpYnJhcnkiLCJMaWJyYXJ5VmVyc2lvbiI6IjEuMS4xOCIsImlhdCI6MTcxNzk4MTU0MiwiZXhwIjoxNzE5MTkxMTQyfQ.BT4eVRv_dztnrMjE_YKPZKY7i0QUYcP-TFahg5Yf328","expires_in":1209600,"token_type":"bearer"}2024-06-09 18:05:42,057 P[3484] [MainThread 8231484096] Application ID: 3a0543d5fdca4325ab12c1ecd5c8ae2a0d439e122024-XX-XX 18:05:42,060 P[3484] [MainThread 8231484096] Init a Desktop session with new app_key