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get_timeseries: Date column returned as integer instead of datetime

I just tried to fetch price data of a single equity with get_timeseries function of the Python EIKON API. Unfortunately, I receive a warning and the "Date" column has integer values instead of datetime. I attached a screenshot of a simple example.Do you know how to get the dataframe with Date column in datetime format? I use Python 3.9, eikon 1.1.14, pandas 1.4.2., numpy 1.22.3


python apidatetimeseries
example.png (19.0 KiB)
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Hi @tina.engler ,

I'd like to confirm that the fix had been released in the Eikon version 1.1.16, please see the below screenshot


Please let me know in case there is any questions.

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Hi @tina.engler

I have tried your code snippet here and I cannot recreate the issue

Are you running in Codebook or a standalone python notebook?


As you will note, the _head() call and the 'Date' output are both appearing in normal Date format.
If you are running a standalone python script, what version of the Eikon API is installed? Can you try the same code snippet in CodeBook to see if you get the same result or not?

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Hi, thanks for your quick reply!

I am running a standalone python script, where Version 1.1.14 of Eikon API is installed.

I tried to run the same code snipped in CodeBook as well and it seems to be the same problem (same warning, same output). example_codebook.PNG

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Hi @tina.engler

I also tried your code in Codebook and if I set normalize=True, I also see the same issue as you.
I will report to the Eikon API team

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Hi @tina.engler

The EDAPI team have confirmed that a fix will be released in approximately 2 weeks in EDAPI library v1.1.16 and RDP Library b17

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I'm suddenly having this issue with using the get_data() function. My script was working fine for months but suddenly started returning large numbers instead of dates. Any advice?

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