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dates coming out as wrong number

I have two problems:

1. sometimes when I run the below code chunk, I get an empty data frame, and sometimes I do not.

2. when I don't get an empty data frame, the dates are reported erroneously, as in not in a proper date-time format. (note that I am trying to get the data into a csv file with dates in a specific format)

Here is my code and a screenshot of the output showing the erroenous date-time format.

import as rd
syntax = "SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))), IN(TR.TRBCIndustryCode,54102030,54101010,54101020),CURN=USD)"
TSfields = ["TR.F.PeriodEndDate(IncludeSpl=Yes)","TR.F.TotAssets(IncludeSpl=Yes)"]
df2 = rd.get_data(
    universe = syntax,
    fields = TSfields,
    parameters = {'Scale': 0,  'SDate': "1989-01-01",'EDate': "2022-06-05", 'FRQ': 'FY', 'Curn': 'USD'},

df2.rename(columns = {'Instrument':'#'},
            inplace = True)
df2.loc[-1] = df2.columns.to_list()
df2 = df2.sort_index().reset_index(drop=True)
df2.columns = ["ticker","PEDate","assets"]
df2.to_csv("tob_shutoff_TSraw.csv", date_format='%Y-%m-%d', index=False)

screenshot 1.png

screenshot-1.png (17.3 KiB)
screenshot-1.png (17.5 KiB)
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Hi @LRE42

Can you confirm the version of the library you are using?

I was able to replicate using the latest version (1.0.0b13).

Can you try downgrading to version (refinitiv-data==1.0.0b9)? I had better success with this version. In the meantime, I will report the behavior to the development team.


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Hi Nick -- Thanks. i am using 1.0.0b13. I have used the eikon package instead (with just a few text edits), and it is working for me now as expected. But I'm glad to know the development team will get the error message and hopefully improve the functionality.

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