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Group status information for RTO

I have an VA consumer application that can connect to EED or RTO.

When we connect to EED we can use group status information to decide on the health of a channel.

We noticed that when we connect to RTO we also get group status information but it doesn't seem to be reliable.

We were informed by a Refinitiv contact that

  • “Regarding the group statuses, I can see group status messages in the RTO connection, but I really believe that they are only applicable for the EED connection, not for RTO.
  • Still looking to get confirmation on this.”

Is it correct that group information is not applicable to RTO ? And if so is there any equivalent information ?

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I think you have contacted the RTO team and are waiting for their response.

If not, please contact the Refinitiv Real-Time - Optimized support team directly via MyRefinitiv.

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Typically, item groups are used to efficiently update the state for multiple item streams via a single group status message (instead of using multiple, individual item status messages). We need to wait for confirmation from the RTO team regarding how RTO uses the group status.

Please explain more why the group status information isn't reliable in RTO. You can enable XML tracing in ETA to verify retrieved messages.

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Sorry. I misread the note on our issue. The problem is that when we connect to RTO that we don't get group information at all.

Our application was written to detect changes at at the Channels and Services levels. Refinitiv advised changes to handle group status messages because we didn't detect a failure that we could only detect in the group information. The original issue was

Your issue was that your EED lost connection with HMDS due to the network issue at client side.

Because of this we introduced a way for customers to configure the groups they needed and we monitored the health of these groups via the group status information.

The customer retained this configuration when they switched to RTO and because there was no group information we reported that the connection was down when it was ok. When the configuration was removed ( i.e. we stopped checking for group status information ) the problem was fixed.

We just want to make sure that this is all we need to do i.e. can you confirm that we don't need to monitor group information if we're connected to an RTO endpoint ?

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Have you heard back from the RTO team about this ?

Hello @andy.sciascia

Please let us know if you have contacted the RTO support team.

I contacted Refinitiv Support and got case number 11547121.

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