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Getting intermittent server errors for Eikon Python API.

Using a simple Python API for eikon causes several intermittent internal server issues.

The command I'm using is ek.get_timeseries(). It works fine for most part but several times I get a error message as below:

Error code 500 | Server Error: {"code":500,"message":"connect ETIMEDOUT","statusMessage":"Internal Server Error"}\nSUCCESS-Reuters

This is hindering my work a lot and I'm looking for some help here since the Eikon support desk wouldn't help me.

eikon-data-api#technologypython apiissue
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Hi @aditya ,

In this case, I raised case number 11539412 on behalf of you and the technical support team is going to contact you directly regarding this issue.

We apologize for any inconvenience you have been facing including the redirected back and forth on this issue.

Plus, regarding my colleague's answer in this thread

Please note that when you are experiencing an issue that requires urgent intervention, such as a suspected service outage, the best approach is:

1. To immediately check Service Alerts > Eikon/Workspace Alerts (if your issue is with Eikon Data API responding with errors).

2. If you don't find the relevant outage noted, then open a Support Case to investigate online or call your local Refinitiv Helpdesk number to do the same.

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Hello @aditya

I noticed that case 11539412 is closed because the issue did not occur for a while.

If the issue happens again, please contact the Eikon support team by replying to the case 11539412 email thread to reopen the case.

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hi @aditya ,

Could you please provide the code you used for further investigation? like which instruments used return this error returned? as this error can caused by the data of specific instrument

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Hi @raksina.samasiri . Thanks for your reply. There isn't a specific ticker for which this occurs. I have been automating the data extraction process of tickers from NYSE, NASDAQ and NSE using the below command:
ek.get_timeseries(ticker, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)
It was working without errors for a very long time. However these intermittent connection issues have propped up on a regular basis recently without any change. The trouble is if I restart eikon it works. But after a while keeps having this problem.

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hi @aditya ,

We're sorry for the error you have facing. However, I cannot reproduce this on the Eikon library version 1.1.14, May I know which version of your Python, Eikon Python library, and Eikon Desktop/Refinitiv workspace app, please?

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here's the code i used

ticker = '.NYA'
start_date = '2011-01-01'
end_date = '2022-08-20'
ek.get_timeseries(ticker, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)

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