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23 0 0 2

WC1 API - ongoingscreeningupdates - GROUP_NOT_FOUND


I am currently implementing some functions of the WC1 api on our environment. Therefore I am entitled to the trial environment but not to our existing production environment.

In this regard I tried to implement the ongoingscreeningupdates call. There is no option to define a group id , right? So I have a strange problem.

In postman everything is ok, I get back the updates. In our implementation I get back GROUP_NOT_FOUND, Access to Group is denied or the Group ID is not found.

Is this somehow an issue on the server side in this special constellation (access trial api, no access production)?

Thx for your help in advance.

Best Regards,


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23 0 0 2

Hi Ssneha,

we can close this thread. It was my fault I have used put instead of post. Now it is fine.

Thank you for your great help and sorry that I have bothered you with that.

Best Regards,


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546 4 0 2

Hi @prieschr.

I'm looking into this. Could you please share your full request and response body? Thank you.


Ssneha Balasubramanian.

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23 0 0 2

Hi Ssneha,

data for the signature:

(request-target): put /v2/cases/ongoingScreeningUpdates


date: Mon, 17 Oct 2022 10:06:45 GMT

content-type: application/json

content-length: 50


response body:

{"error":"GROUP_NOT_FOUND","cause":"Access to the Group is denied or the Group ID is not found."}

Do you need the authorisation as well? We do not log the full request and response.



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546 4 0 2

Hi @prieschr.

Could you confirm which language you are implementing in? It will be easier to me to figure out a solution. Thank you.


Ssneha Balasubramanian.

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23 0 0 2

Hi Ssneha,

I am implementing it in Oracle PL/SQL. Many other functions are working well. Is there anywhere the group id to transfer in this request?

Best Regards,


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546 4 0 2

Hi @prieschr.

Just to confirm, do you mean post /cases/ongoingScreeningUpdates? Thank you.


Ssneha Balasubramanian.

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546 4 0 2

Hi @prieschr.

Please do not apologize. It happens to the best of us. Glad I could help out! Thank you.


Ssneha Balasubramanian.

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