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Refinitiv RealTime data using EMA - EIkon shows a value of 0 for a field, but using the api, we receive a blank data? Have anyone seen this behavior? Example: Symbol : USDSB3LC2Y=RCM , field GEN_VAL4 is 0.0 on EIKON and blank in refinitiv EMA Api

Refinitiv Real Time data using EMA - EIkon shows a value of 0 for a field, but using the api, we receive a blank data? Have anyone seen this behavior? Example: Symbol : USDSB3LC2Y=RCM , field GEN_VAL4 is 0.0 on EIKON and blank in refinitiv EMA API

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Hi @lakkshme_rangarajan

I found the following in an old MarketFeed document (which is a legacy data format used by older applications) optional leading + or - can be used with Price or Integer fields.

The key significance of the + / - is when used with a 0.

The positive zero (+0) represents a blank while the negative zero (-0) represents a numeric zero....

As my colleague above mentioned, the Content helpdesk should be able to confirm the above.

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Hi @lakkshme_rangarajan

I would recommend you confirm the content within the desktop by hitting F1 or selecting the "Get Help & Support" option from the help menu.

I also tried accessing GEN_VAL4 using the WebSocket API and can confirm the value is blank (null). I would normally trust the values accessed via the API but there may be a business/content reason why they are displaying zero (0) - a content specialist should be able to confirm.

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