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RKD News Story HTML to text

Client is using Postman. Client use RKD – RETRIEVE HEADLINES to get storyID, then use RETRIEVE NEWS to get the story for that storyID. The response is in HTML format. Client would like to know how to return the news story in text format. Alternatively, how to return a URL for the story, so that client can publish the URL on their website for end user to click on it, then open the story in text. Please note the client is looking at ASX news, which normally contains a URL to open a PDF document. Please see screenshots with specific example below.


1668575306742.png (78.9 KiB)
1668575306804.png (184.7 KiB)
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Hello @thomas.j.tan

I checked the RDK API News Services. The API provides News data for the consumer applications as JSON messages only. The application needs to parse the JSON data and get a news headline text, story text, and other attributes based on the HeadlineML/StoryML structure.

The client can find more detail about the HeadlineML/StoryML element structure in the RKD API Development Guide document.

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